How to put our new package (for free) into Karmic 9.10
Ilgis Ibragimov
ii at
Sat Jul 25 14:05:42 BST 2009
our company Elegant Mathematics Ltd. uses Ubuntu last 3 years and want
to contribute in Ubuntu for free as the respect to Ubuntu community.
We have several iterative linear system solvers: CG, BiCGStab, GMRES
etc., implemented on CPU and GPU with massively parallel support,
single/double/quad precisions, real/complex arithmetics, and these
solvers were commercialized by Elegant Mathematics since 1992. We would
like to provide important part of these solves (especially with CUDA GPU
support) for free for all Ubuntu users.
I know that Ubuntu have already several similar packages like superlu,
umfpack, but these packages do not support GPU computing. Using GPU we
can improve up to 50 times computational speed achieving 250 GFlop/s on
GTX 260, and our achievements are listed on NVIDIA Corporate site at
We may provide the following two packages:
1. Open Source (GPL) software with preconditioned iterative methods and
single/double/quad precision for real/complex arithmetics to be
incorporated into main Ubuntu repository;
2. free for Ubuntu users library for NVIDIA GPU for the same topic to be
incorporated into partner or multiverse release since our algorithms
then depend on NVIDIA proprietary drivers.
The questions:
1. how to proceed to be listed with this package in Ubuntu main
repository, and to whom can I refer?
2. These packages are ready now, can we expect if we will work fast,
enter to the 9.10 release?
PS: If my topic does not fit to this mailing list, please, advise me
where I can post it?
Ilgis Ibragimov
Dr. Ilgis Ibragimov
Elegant Mathematics Ltd.
Hanauer Muehle 2
66564 Ottweiler-Fuerth
Tel: +49 163 74 144 73
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