[ANNOUNCE] upstart 0.6.2 released

Scott James Remnant scott at canonical.com
Wed Jul 22 16:52:52 BST 2009

On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 16:35 -0700, Daniel L. Miller wrote:

> Scott James Remnant wrote:
> > I've started the process of converting Ubuntu's boot process to be
> > Upstart native, and hit both an assertion and an annoying bug with the
> > fork following.  Might as well keep up the release momentum, so here's a
> > release to fix those.
> >   
> Hee hee!  Does this mean the Karmic release might include a post 0.6 
> release?
No, Karmic will have a release from the 0.6.x series

Scott James Remnant
scott at canonical.com
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