Using zsync for .deb downloads: initial benchmark results

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Fri Jul 17 16:29:38 BST 2009

On Friday 17 July 2009 10:05:03 am Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> I'm told the archive for full mirror is already around 250 000 files,
> and that it would be bad to come up with a solution that increases the
> number of files a lot. Having a delta file for each deb would probably
> not be possible. (We might only be able to support deltas for -security,
> and perhaps -updates and -proposed, not for release-to-release upgrades,
> or within a development release.)

I suspect the delta between releases would be so large as to make it unworth 
doing.  What's a 2% reduction when you're going to be waiting 3 hours to 
download the packages anyway?

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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