Request for Comments and Review: ARM Softboot Loader Specification

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Jan 20 14:02:58 GMT 2009

Am Dienstag, den 20.01.2009, 08:38 -0500 schrieb Michael Casadevall:
> Specification:
as i said on IRC already, it would be nice if the "dietlibc vs. uclibc"
paragraph could also take klibc into account (more than in just a
footnote to uclibc as it does now), since this is the default we are
using atm as a cut down libc option. 
this paragraph should have a full subsection for klibc and explain why
you dont want to go with the default (if you dont) and what the
advantages and disadvantages (beyond extra maintenance we would have to
do for one of the currently proposed libs) are.

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