Dx Team Communication Was: Notifications: uselessness of
Martin Owens
doctormo at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 21:46:48 GMT 2009
Hey Scott,
On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 13:32 -0500, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> members of the community are attempting (without apparent success) to
> communicate to you.
When I was talking to the Dx team about some of these things at UDS, my
main concern was not that the radicalism would be scary or that the
icons weren't stupid (they are, if you've ever had to teach ubuntu
desktop) Most people I teach about ubuntu don't install updates, even
those that go through training where you've pointed it out and installed
updates right there.
The problem here is that the inability for new features and ideas to be
created within the community. It's as if the people at Canonical had
taken a politics course and decided to deliberately alienate those
people who are not inside of Canonical. It's probably not that, it's
probably just ignorance and arrogance a usual.
What scares me is that the way Dx viewed the community at UDS. I hate to
have to bang on about the obvious stuff, but all Ubuntu development
_should_ be initiated, grown and completed within the ubuntu development
community. The Dx team can be the driving force, even doing all the
work. It doesn't matter who does the work, it matters where the work is
done; Out in the open or behind closed doors.
This cloak and dagger stuff is getting on my nerves; stop with the
secret development processes. It's not useful, productive or
progressive. The only thing it gets you is greater control that will in
the end drive the community away when you release it.
Regards, Martin
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