toolkid (was Question)

Caroline Ford at
Fri Feb 27 14:48:14 GMT 2009

On 27/02/2009, Jeremy Schoenhaar <jeremy at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello Caroline,
> >
> > Logo is a programming language. kTurtle and some others also do that.
> >
> That I didn't know. I'll have to take a look at Logo.
> >>  >There is another one
> >>> called Image Editor(something like paint) where kids can draw, play around
> >>> with pics etc.
> >
> > The machines already have tuxpaint on.
> If I'm not mistaken gcompris already bundles tuxpaint with it. Possibly
> it only marks tuxpaint as a "suggests" or "recommends"

The Macedonia computers have Edubuntu on as far as I know. Gcompris
does have a launch icon for tuxpaint but it's a separate program,
installed as part of Edubuntu.

> >
> >>  >And the last and most important part is ToolKid which has
> >>> options for kids to do multiple teaching games like, math, guess the word
> >>> and etc. I am not sure what else you would need but let me know if you need
> >>> more information.
> >
> > The machines already have tuxmath, also there is gcompris, childplay etc.
> >
> > If it's just translation we can fix this fairly easily.
> That was exactly my thought. I can't translate it. But I would be more
> then happy to contribute in anyway I can.

Not all programs will be set up with GNU gettext, but most will. There
may be some work that needs to be done to allow the software to be
translated into Macedonia using launchpad. Macedonian is written using
the Cyrillic alphabet.


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