Opening windows without user action

Stephan Hermann sh at
Fri Feb 27 08:51:37 GMT 2009


On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 04:24:25 +0800
Chow Loong Jin <hyperair at> wrote:

> [...]

> Every time I see the update-notifier icon, I open a terminal and
> 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' simply because I prefer the terminal for
> upgrades over the GUI. Surely you won't deny me that choice. Note that
> since I upgrade via terminal, I never manually open u-m. This means
> that after a week, u-m will open on its own. What do I do? I close
> it. And then I continue performing my upgrades via terminal. Next
> week, it happens again. And again. And again. I cannot understand how
> this behaviour can possibly be not irritating. On the other hand,
> from what I understand, if I disable this behaviour completely,
> update-notifier won't even give me an icon any more. So I'll have to
> check on my own for updates. How inconvenient.

TBH, if you rely on the CLI...then you would implement some automatism
to check for updates via cron and sending email to your localhost

As I for myself being a heavy CLI user, I appreciate the
update-notifier icon...I also appreciate some notifications about "Hey,
your battery is only 43% filled" or "Jim XMPPed" (this can be an
annoyance, but this is something you can disable in your app).

There is a difference between a user who only uses UI stuff or someone
who uses mostly the CLI.

For a switching user from windows/mac to gnome/kde those graphical
notifications are good...even for usability. As MPT mentioned, an abuse
of those notifications is dangerous, but sane toasters / OSDs / bubbles
onscreen can be helpful.

For a CLI user (or old time unixdude) mostly all graphical crap is
dangerous...burn's witchcraft...;)


Stephan '\sh' Hermann		| OSS Developer &
Systemadministrator JID: sh at	| GPG ID: 0xC098EFA8		| 3D8B 5138 0852 DA7A B83F  DCCB C189 E733 C098 EFA8

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