Comments in MoM, no more DaD

Adrien Cunin adri2000 at
Thu Feb 26 20:46:00 GMT 2009

Hello everyone,

Finally (yes it's taken some time), the comments feature from DaD is now merged
into Merge-o-Matic and available at We migrated the
comments from DaD, so nothing is lost.

With this important feature being merged into MoM today, and MoM being free for
some time, the reasons we started developing DaD no longer hold true, and that's
why we have just stopped the DaD instance running at
If you need the DaD code for some reason, it's still available on LP (project

Thanks go to all the people involved in maintaining and hosting DaD, and to
everyone involved in the recent changes to MoM.

If you preferred the DaD interface over the MoM one, well, be patient, RainCT is
currently working on an even better one for Merge-o-Matic :-)

To check out the Merge-o-Matic code and report (wishlist) bugs, see

Adrien Cunin aka Adri2000
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