Notifications: uselessness of

Christopher James Halse Rogers chalserogers at
Thu Feb 26 08:32:38 GMT 2009

On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 07:38 +0200, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> ke, 2009-02-25 kello 12:28 -0500, Steven Harms kirjoitti:
> > If you can disable notifications, I really don't see this being an
> > issue.  If you are "in the zone" and don't want to be interrupted,
> > that should work just fine.  Am I missing something?
> Disabling notifications (if one can do that) disables all of them,
> including the ones that are important, such as running out of battery.
The NotifyOSD use cases[1] explicitly mention this - there are two
notification queues, one for critical information, like running out of
battery, and one for non-critical information.  The non-critical queue
should be paused while doing "presentation" type activities.  

There's apparently some fullscreen window herustic, and I think it also
watches for apps that fire a screensaver-inhibit.  Those would seem to
cover a lot of automatically determinable cases.

I've also seen it mentioned that Red Hat have been hooking in IM "busy"
states to gnome-session; that would be worth hooking into when it's
upstream/somewhat standardised.

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