Per-package uploaders: consequences for team structure

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Fri Feb 20 11:14:52 GMT 2009

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 01:24:59PM -0800, Kees Cook wrote:
> How do bug subscriptions factor into this?

I was guessing that motu and ubuntu-core-dev were pretty similar in
terms of bug subscriptions and assignment, since both are disparate
teams for which it probably isn't suitable to assign the whole team to
anything. Launchpad says [1] that the motu team is currently subscribed
to 35 bugs, the newest of which is bug 251737, so this doesn't seem like
a huge problem.


> Would it maybe make sense to take the current structure and add
> something like "ubuntu-developer" off the edge (since core-dev is
> already a member of ubuntu-dev):
>   individuals --> ubuntu-core-dev (main/restricted upload)
>                         \
>                          --> ubuntu-dev (universe/multiverse upload, polls)
>                         /        |
>   individuals --> motu           |
>                                  |
>                                  v
>   individuals -------------> ubuntu-developers (polls)
> This way no upload rights, bug subscriptions, etc need to be moved around?
> Or am I missing something?

My concern with this type of approach was that having ubuntu-dev and
ubuntu-developer would be confusing. ubuntu-dev has always meant "all
Ubuntu developers" and I wanted to try to retain that. Since we have the
distinction between motu and ubuntu-dev anyway, I thought it might make
sense to use it.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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