Server Team 20090217 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Thu Feb 19 01:46:47 GMT 2009


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== Update ServerGuide for Jaunty ====

sommer listed all the sections that needed to be reviewed on the wiki page[1].
Help in testing and giving feedback is welcome.


==== Postfix and Dovecot integration ====

mathiaz announced that ivoks' work on integrating dovecot and postfix had been
uploaded. Everything planned for Jaunty has now been implemented.

ScottK mentioned that clamav 0.95 was due out soon and there was a chance it
would make it into jaunty post-FF. 0.94.2 is also available from the hardy-
backports repository and should be available from dapper-backports soon too.

ACTION: ivoks to create a wiki page for ideas about improving the mail server
task post-jaunty.

==== Power management ====

kirkland gave a brief overview of the power management state for server
hardware: powernowd is installed by default on -server systems to enable cpu
freq scaling. Relevant packages for suspend/hibernate and resume by WoL have
also been added to the -server iso. He is mainly interested in feedback on
hardware where suspend/hibernate can be verified as (not) working.

He also mentioned that he created a ssh wrapper, which pings first to see if a
host is alive. If not a wakeonlan request is sent and after 3 seconds the
wrapper tries to login into the machine again. His machines wake from suspend
when he needs them and it only takes about 3 seconds for them to wake up which
is lot faster than ~60seconds to boot.

He plans to do more tests about power consumption.

ACTION: kirkland to blog about using suspend/resume for servers.

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 24th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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