[RFC] apturl repository whitelist application process

Michael Vogt mvo at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 13 16:15:36 GMT 2009

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 04:38:57PM +0100, Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT) wrote:
> 2009/2/12 Alexander Sack <asac at ubuntu.com>:
> >  * File system layout of the package should be to install to /opt -
> >  unless there is a good reason for individual files to be shipped
> >  elsewhere.
> What's the reason for this? Perhaps I'm missing something, but I'm
> unhappy with having packages messing with my /opt directory; afaik it
> has traditionally been a directory for the system owner to place there
> what he wants and I don't understand why we want packages to do
> anything there now. Further, it may also confuse users who will look
> for files in their proper place, and it is inconsistent with all other
> packages (including PPAs, etc.) which install files directly into /.

The rational is that the risk of having conflicts with system package
is minizimed. Having packages install to / would run a higher risk of
undeclated Conclifts that will result in dpkg install
errors. Something we try to avoid this way. Its also quite common for
third party vendors (as ScottK already pointed out).


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