Kernel Compiler missmatches

Matthias Klose doko at
Fri Feb 13 14:43:35 GMT 2009

Andy Whitcroft schrieb:
> There seem to be several simple options here:
> 1) expect the users to build their own kernels if they want to use
>    external modules, or
> 2) update gcc in -security, and always do so, or
> 3) have separate kernel builds for each pocket (rather than pocket copying
>    the -security update into -updates, upload it there separatly with a
>    higher upload number).
> I guess the security team is best placed to evaluate the safety or
> otherwise of (2).

4) Re-upload gcc-4.2 with the compiler version set back from 4.2.4
   to 4.2.3, no other changes.

I don't know the system used to detect the differences for different compiler
versions, but could it be an option to ignore the subminor version number or
check for a version greater than?


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