Introduction to Ubuntu Distributed Development
Chow Loong Jin
hyperair at
Sun Dec 20 16:48:29 GMT 2009
On Sunday 20,December,2009 02:58 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
> Wehn we are discussing $VCS to manage packages it is really about the
> tools associated with them.
> In git that's topgit + git-buildpackage. In hg that MQ + recently
> restarted hg+buildpackage. And the famous pristine-tar.
> It is important (for me at least) to still be able to generate debdiff
> and be able to reproduce each version.
> In addition you have to consider DebSrc 3.0 (quilt) (approved for
> Debian, in final stages for Ubuntu) and DebSrc 3.0 (git/bzr).
> hg/MQ is probably the closest to DebSrc 3.0 (quilt) - MQ is like
> loom/threads which when applied are stored as series of quilt patches.
> Topgit is a full DAG which is quite confusing (for me personally) and
> the generated final package is not stored. (You keep branches unmerged
> and export patches). IMHO this is bad cause I still want to $vsc
> $build $tag.
I have not actually used topgit, nor have I really seen the need to since quilt
alone does a spectacular job for patch management.
> Bzr is ok for building packages and keeping the history right.
> What makes Ubuntu different from typical package maintanance is that
> we are based on Debian. And we usually have upstream -> debian patches
> -> debian-packaging -> ubuntu patches -> ubuntu packaging. WIth small
> amount of packages being just upstream -> ubuntu patches -> ubuntu
> packaging when we take a different policy direction from debian.
> Git/Hg do not support that directly without cheating. Bzr and
> associate tools are the only once so far which try to support this
> workflow.
I'm actually quite curious to know what you mean by this, since I haven't
actually done anything that feels like "cheating" with git and git-buildpackage,
especially when I have to merge with branches several layers down to handle PPAs
(karmic, jaunty, intrepid, hardy, etc). Could you clarify this?
> [...]
Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin (GPG: 0x8F02A411)
Ubuntu Contributing Developer
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