RFC: -server packages universe demotions and main promotions

Colin Watson cjwatson at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 4 21:50:45 GMT 2009

On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 01:33:42PM -0500, Mathias Gug wrote:
>  # lilo

I've been thinking about this one. It's true that we no longer install
LILO by default in any circumstances: the problems with XFS have been
solved, while LVM is now handled using GRUB 2. However, this is fairly
recent and we aren't without boot loader bugs. I'm also very conscious
that the installer supports a grub-installer/skip=true preseed to force
the use of LILO, and we have no way to know how many people are using
this. (popcon shows 170549 systems with lilo installed, but we don't
have a breakdown of why.)

I propose a compromise that still gets us some way towards converging on
a single boot loader on x86 while not leaving people who genuinely still
have some reason to need LILO out in the cold. Take lilo off the server
CD, but leave it in main for Lucid. That way, people can still use it in
netboot installations, but the inconvenience of having to switch away
from CD installations is likely to cause some number of those people to
complain to us, at which point we'll have an opportunity to investigate
why they still need LILO.

How does that sound?

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at ubuntu.com]

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