Can Pidgin 2.6(.1) replace Empathy for Karmic now?

Ken VanDine ken.vandine at
Thu Aug 20 14:54:14 BST 2009

Thanks for bringing this up, however let me point out the primary
benefit of switching to empathy wasn't actually voice or video.  The
real gain is the incredibly powerful telepathy framework.  Which is a
huge win for the desktop.  It isn't really just about which IM client
(pidgin is certainly mature and rich), it is about creating a truly
collaborative desktop.


On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 06:19 -0700, Rick Spencer wrote:
> Omer,
> I don't think it's too late to have this discussion. It never hurts to
> bring it up anyway. So thanks for the question.
> I think the desktop team (and related community) should consider this,
> but the leader of the project is seb128, who is on a much deserved
> holiday at the moment. He'll be back week after next, and we can discuss
> with him then.
> Sound okay?
> Cheers, Rick
> On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 00:12 -0400, Omer wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I know I'm opening up a huge can of worms right now, but Pidgin 2.6.1
> > just came out. This release brings voice and video support for XMPP (and
> > GMail). This was, as I understand it, one of the most important features
> > of Empathy that got it included as the default over Pidgin. I think many
> > people were sad to see Pidgin go as the default, so maybe this will
> > change enough people's minds back onto the Pidgin side. On the other
> > hand, it might be too late to be having this kind of discussion.
> > 
> > Omer
> > 

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