blueman as default bluetooth client in Gnome

ajmctaggart ajmctaggart at
Mon Aug 10 15:04:07 BST 2009

Absolutely! That was another nice point of blueman.  It seems that
whatever one wishes to accomplish regarding bluetooth; the
instructions seem to start with installing blueman.  I really think
it's a better solution overall for the Desktop.


-----Original Message-----

From: أحمد المحمود

Sent:  08/10/2009 3:41:13 AM

To: ubuntu-devel at

Cc: ajmctaggart

Subject:  Re: blueman as default bluetooth client in Gnome


On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 08:48:26AM -0700, ajmctaggart wrote:

> By default, Ubuntu used the gnome-bluetooth package.  Frankly, there is v

> little this package does well.  The GUI is poorly designed, and I think i

> quite confusing, leaving me to do most configurations by the command line


> I found that by using blueman instead, the usability of bluetooth on my

> desktop now rivals what I have see from Mac OS X.  A good GUI, lots of

> options, and a very fast client overall.


> What would I have to do to petition that blueman replace gnome-bluetooth

> going forward?

---end quoted text---

  I just tried blueman, and I liked its integration with NetworkManager

  for enable GPRS/CDMA connection over bluetooth !


 ‎أحمد المحموØ
�ي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)

  Digital design engineer

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