Bugs with patches

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 9 11:04:04 BST 2009

Today we're running a bug day focusing on New bugs with patches 
attached. These need review to make sure the attachments flagged as 
patches are indeed patches. As always, feel free to stop by #ubuntu-bugs 
and give advice!

This triage step (from New) is typical bugsquad work but we also have a 
good number of bugs with patches in more advanced states of triage that 
deserve developer attention. Brian has made a list of bugs with patches 
attached [2] that can be sorted by state, importance, etc.

 From that we can count states :

New: 576
Incomplete: 137
Confirmed: 651
Triaged: 454
In Progress: 154

and importances:

Critical: 1
High: 76
Medium: 367
Low: 304
Wishlist: 269
Undecided: 954

We don't have this much detail in the historical view (though we are 
recording it going forward) but we have some data points for bugs with 
patches attached from the past:

2008-11-18: 1772
2009-03-31: 1961
2009-04-02: 1988

It seems the number of open bugs with patches attached is creeping 
upward. In addition to today's patch bug day we are also adding a patch 
section to each bug day going forward to accelerate the triage of this 
important class of bugs.

I would encourage developers to look at Triaged and Confirmed bugs with 
patches attached in their areas. We've scheduled a UDS session where we 
can work out more general routines for this.


[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090409

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