Server Team 20081028 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
mathiaz at
Wed Oct 29 14:22:49 GMT 2008
Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:
==== iscsi in intrepid ====
mathiaz reported that iscsi in intrepid does not support connecting to more
than one target at the same time. The issue is a mismatch between the kernel
and the user space version. kirkland prepared a fix by using the latest
version from upstream. The release team decided to not include it in the
release and to get it fixed via a Stable Release Update. A section covering
this issue will also be added to the Release Notes.
==== Server FAQ ====
nijaba noticed that the Server FAQ[1] was outdated. He asked for help to start
updating the page. sommer offered his help and will start by listing the
questions that the FAQ should answer.
ACTION: sommer and nijaba to review the list of questions to be included in
the Server FAQ.
==== Ubuntu "easy server" for the home user ====
xivulon presented his thoughts on creating a dumbed down web interface for
home users. He created a wiki page[2] to present his ideas. nealmcb pointed to
wiki page[2] covering a similar topic. mathiaz mentioned the wiki page[2] spec
written by ScottK. More discussion will probably take place during UDS.
==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====
Due to the time change it was decided to move the meeting one hour back to
16:00 UTC.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 4th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer
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