Strawman: eliminating debdiffs

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Tue Oct 14 11:51:27 BST 2008

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> I'm not sure I understand how it would work. Would the information be in the
> url? If so, I don't think I'd look at it... Or will the information be next to
> each package in the page? If so, I think it would be a useful addition.

Loïc has explained it to me. This sounds easy to implement, although it depends
on using the same browser/computer for the history. And I'm not sure it would be
that useful, specially since I may have already read the bug reports by
accessing them from the bug mail. And since the server is ignoring the url
trick, it will show you all the bugs, which won't be very useful if there are
lots of bugs and very few changed.

What I was thinking was something like "Triaged: 30 (6 new)", and you can either
click on "Triaged: 30", to show all triaged bugs for that package, or on "6 new"
to see just those. This would be hard to implement and require you to be logged
in, store what you have seen and what not in a database... so I'm not sure it's
a good idea.


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