[Bug 262567] Re: Bug #262567: /etc/rc2.d/S20powernowd missing?

Mario Limonciello superm1 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 14:24:29 BST 2008

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 03:43, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> As far as I'm aware, most packages don't actually use the LSB info in the
> scripts, and the hardcoded defaults in the maintainer scripts are
> authoritative.
> Can you describe the problems that you've seen and how you fixed them?
> Maybe there's something else going on here.
> The problem I saw was that people suddenly didn't have the init script
starting.  I fixed them in each of the cases by explicitly modifying
debian/rules to either call dh_installinit with the appropriate parameters
or setting the CDBS variable with the same effect (depending on the

Mario Limonciello
superm1 at gmail.com
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