Server Team 20081007 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Fri Oct 10 04:06:39 BST 2008


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== Review ServerGuide for Intrepid ====

sommer updated the virtualization parts of the server guide: the vmbuilder and
JeOS sections have been merged. Most of the content has now been updated for
the Intrepid release.

ACTION: mathiaz to update the support section

==== Ubuntu vm builder ====

nijaba has updated the tutorial. In the process a couple of bugs have been
found. Most of them are minor though.

==== KVM ====

kirkland triaged a lot of kvm and libvirt bugs and stated that kvm seemed to
be working better than it ever had in intrepid. mathiaz asked about support
for virtio block devices. kirkland hasn't tested that use case yet.

==== Ubuntu Server Survey ====

nijaba reported that the ubuntu server survey[1] had reached 3000 responses.
The launch plan has also been completed.


==== DRBD ====

ivoks nailed down the issue with DRBD in intrepid. The userspace tools have to
be upgraded to 8.2.6 to match the kernel module version. A FFexception request
has been prepared.

mathiaz asked if the collaboration with the Kernel Team on DRBD could be
improved. Whenever the kernel module is updated in the Ubuntu kernels  the
user space tools also need to be updated. ivoks mentioned that the packaging
of the userspace tools should be improved during the next release cycle.
mathiaz suggested to discuss this issue during the next UDS.

==== Bacula SRU ====

ivoks fixed the bacula segfault in hardy. One tester reported that it was
working correctly now.

ACTION: zul to look into SRUing bacula sigsegv - bug 227613

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 14th at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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