Strawman: eliminating debdiffs

Kees Cook kees at
Wed Oct 1 18:06:41 BST 2008


On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 03:48:44PM +0100, James Westby wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 12:08 +0200, Luca Falavigna wrote:
> > ... including upstream reference into the changelog entry? A link to
> > upstream bugtracker, VCS commit or whatever should be enough to track
> > status of our submitted patches, maybe enforcing [1] as our policy.
> > 
> > [1]
> I'm aware of the discussion, and in support of that policy, and in fact
> that is how I write my changelog entries. However, I haven't seen a big
> change since the discussion. It's clear that not everyone thinks it
> is worthwhile, or sponsors aren't willing to require contributors to do
> this, and aren't doing it themselves when they upload their own fixes.

This seems like the best approach, IMHO.  It doesn't increase the
workload on sponsors (they don't have to build up changelogs, they just
have to double-check references).

> Also, the thing that this proposal will often miss, that mine tries to
> incorporate, is feedback from upstream on the patches, which I find very
> valuable.

Seems like that task should fall on the person doing the merge -- did
the patch get accepted, modified, etc?


Kees Cook
Ubuntu Security Team

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