Inability to browse Windows shares.

Scott Ritchie scott at
Sun Nov 2 08:01:50 GMT 2008

Mark Ellse wrote:
> Jono Bacon suggested I subscribe to this list to raise the profile of
> bug 207072. This bug is a Nautilus one. It prevents Nautilus (and
> therefore the normal Ubuntu user) from browsing Windows shares on an
> Ubuntu computer connected to a Windows network.
> This bug turns Ubuntu from a very useful operating system,  which one
> can recommend to ones friends and colleagues, to something that is
> pretty much useless.
> I run a school. We have a number of Ubuntu workstations and LTSP servers
> on the staff networks. All this was set up since Ubuntu had for quite a
> while demonstrated its ability to browse Windows networks, and therefore
> be up to the task of deployment in a Windows network.
> When Hardy was first released, it worked as well. But some update
> prevented browing, and hence it has become useless.
> Since I, as principal of the school, have deployed Ubuntu, I look stupid
> and incompetent. I can tough that out. But had I been simply the IT
> manager, pushing for Ubuntu consideration, I'd have lost all future
> credibiltiy.
> What interests me is that when I email Jono about the bug, he doesn't
> know anything about it. So there are clearly a large number of people
> who are using, and talking about, Ubuntu without having to experience
> that important Ubuntu-Windows interface in which a large part of the
> world lives.
> Is there any development about this bug? Or are most of those who are
> involved in developing Ubuntu unaware of it, and its importance?
> And if there is anyone working on it, is there any anticipated timescale
> for solution?
> Cheers,
> Mark Ellse

Have you installed Wine by chance?

Wine recommends winbind, which has been known to break Samba shares for
some reason (bug 277327:

If this does turn out to be the problem, you can remove the winbind
package and see if that fixes things.

Scott Ritchie

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