Introducing distro-{jre,jre-headless,jdk,jdk-builddep} packages

Matthias Klose doko at
Mon Mar 3 14:45:47 GMT 2008

[sent to debian-java at and ubuntu-devel-discuss at]

For packaging we currently use a build dependency on a package which
we did agree for packaging (java-gcj-compat-dev).  Now with other more
conformant Java implementations available, we might want to change to
those implementations for building the packages in the archive.  It
looks like we won't have stuff like OpenJDK and IcedTea available for
all architectures, but might be able to replace some parts with
alternate implementations, e.g. replacing the VM with cacao for some
architectures.  This will result in different package names for
different architectures.  Therefore I'd like to introduce dependency
packages which can be used / referenced across platforms.  The
packages itself are empty except for distro-jre-headless which
contains a symbolic link

  /usr/lib/jvm/distro-java -> java-gcj

These packages itself don't hold any other binaries and/or links to
the referenced packages.  We might need to discuss what we minimally
expect from a package claiming to provide a certain version of a
runtime.  The "upstream" version of these packages corresponds to the
provided runtime (use 1.5 or 5)?  These packages are proposed to be
built from the java-common package.



=============== ../distro-jre_1.5-28_i386.deb ===============
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 4032 bytes: control archive= 523 bytes.
     533 bytes,    14 lines      control
      72 bytes,     1 lines      md5sums
 Package: distro-jre
 Source: java-common (0.28)
 Version: 1.5-28
 Architecture: i386
 Maintainer: Debian Java Mailing List <debian-java at>
 Installed-Size: 28
 Depends: distro-jre-headless (= 1.5-28), java-gcj-compat (>= 1.0.77-4)
 Provides: java-runtime, java2-runtime, java5-runtime
 Section: interpreters
 Priority: optional
 Description: Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime
  This package points to the Java runtime, or Java compatible
  runtime recommended for the i386 architecture,
  which is java-gcj-compat-dev for .

=============== ../distro-jre-headless_1.5-28_i386.deb ===============
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 4170 bytes: control archive= 587 bytes.
     696 bytes,    18 lines      control
      81 bytes,     1 lines      md5sums
 Package: distro-jre-headless
 Source: java-common (0.28)
 Version: 1.5-28
 Architecture: i386
 Maintainer: Debian Java Mailing List <debian-java at>
 Installed-Size: 36
 Depends: java-common, java-gcj-compat-headless (>= 1.0.77-4)
 Suggests: distro-jre
 Provides: java-runtime-headless, java2-runtime-headless, java5-runtime-headless
 Section: interpreters
 Priority: optional
 Description: Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime (headless)
  This package points to the Java runtime, or Java compatible
  runtime recommended for this architecture, which is
  java-gcj-compat-headless for i386.
  The package is used as dependency for packages not needing a
  graphical display during runtime.

=============== ../distro-jdk_1.5-28_i386.deb ===============
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 4028 bytes: control archive= 523 bytes.
     525 bytes,    14 lines      control
      72 bytes,     1 lines      md5sums
 Package: distro-jdk
 Source: java-common (0.28)
 Version: 1.5-28
 Architecture: i386
 Maintainer: Debian Java Mailing List <debian-java at>
 Installed-Size: 28
 Depends: distro-jre (= 1.5-28), java-gcj-compat-dev (>= 1.0.77-4)
 Provides: java-sdk, java2-sdk, java5-sdk
 Section: devel
 Priority: optional
 Description: Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit
  This package points to the Java runtime, or Java compatible
  development kit recommended for this architecture, which is
  java-gcj-compat-dev for i386.

=============== ../distro-jdk-builddep_1.5-28_i386.deb ===============
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 3994 bytes: control archive= 477 bytes.
     432 bytes,    12 lines      control
      81 bytes,     1 lines      md5sums
 Package: distro-jdk-builddep
 Source: java-common (0.28)
 Version: 1.5-28
 Architecture: i386
 Maintainer: Debian Java Mailing List <debian-java at>
 Installed-Size: 28
 Depends: distro-jdk (= 1.5-28)
 Section: devel
 Priority: optional
 Description: Standard Java or Java compatible build dependencies
  This package points to the build dependencies used to build
  packages requiring a Java or Java compatible Development Kit.

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