Bug Importance Guidelines

Morten Kjeldgaard mok at bioxray.au.dk
Thu Jun 26 17:31:57 BST 2008

On 26/06/2008, at 10.56, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

> These will be somewhat misleading if Importance has been measured
> relative to the individual package, rather than relative to Ubuntu  
> as a
> whole. For example, a bug that makes a package unusable for some  
> people
> may be Critical relative to that package, but only High relative to
> Ubuntu if hardly anyone uses that package.

That is true, but if the severity is judged on the package level, it  
is easy to compute a "distribution" score by summing the severity of  
bugs for each package, multiplied by a weight factor, which could be  
the package usage times an "importance" score. Normalize by dividing  
with the number of packages.


Morten Kjeldgaard
mok0 at ubuntu.com

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