requesting for changes to be sent to debian before sponsoring an upload

Emmet Hikory persia at
Fri Jun 20 14:40:13 BST 2008

James Westby wrote:
> If the change said "Ubuntu specific" then it can be ignored, and if
> there is "Sent to Debian in bug #12345" then it is already done.
> If there is neither then the sponsor could question it.
> However, there would still be a transition time.
> Is it also asking too much of first time contributors?

    It needn't be asked of each first-time contributor.  If someone
has been pushing a lot, sponsors ought be questioning them.  If
someone is submitting a first patch, the sponsor may be willing to
update the bug /package with the relevant Debian coordination bits,
and then upload.  While this takes longer, and may impact changelog
credit, it may also help to get fixes in where the person originally
preparing the debdiff is still very new.


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