About forwarding bugs and patches to Debian and documenting your changes
Nicolas Valcarcel
nvalcarcel at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 18 02:11:20 BST 2008
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net>
> Hi,
> As you might have read in [1], I worked on exporting more info about
> packages in Ubuntu to the Debian infrastructure, specifically the Debian
> PTS[2] and the Debian Developer Packages Overview[3].
> [1] http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/blog/?p=295
> [2] http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dpkg.html
> [3]
> http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=packages@qa.debian.org&ubuntu=1
> However, I'd like to use that opportunity to discuss a few points:
> I know you are over-busy, etc., and that your #1 priority can't be to
> push changes back to Debian. But those changes should not replace
> submitting bugs to the Debian BTS, like the patches on patches.u.c
> should not replace submitting patches to the BTS. Most Debian Developers
> will probably only rarely have a look at the bugs in LP. If I hear
> Ubuntu Developers saying "but there was no need to report it to Debian,
> you already should have known about it since there was a link on
> PTS/DDPO!", I will strongly regret pushing that change.
This is true, it doesn't take a long time to report a Bug tu debian, and we
can't be lazy and say "the patch is there, if the DD want's it, he/she can
download it from there" since we want our changes in there for easier
maintainment of our packages, DD's only care about their Bugs, not ours.
> Secondly, you generally could improve a lot at documenting your changes.
> If you put more effort on properly documenting what you change in your
> packages, it would allow Debian developers to understand why you made a
> specific change, and they would be a lot more likely to merge the change
> in the Debian package (which means less work for you during the next
> merge). If a DD can't figure out why you made a change, it's likely that
> he won't ask you, and will just ignore the change.
Can you please give an example of that i don't think i'm fully understanding
your point (not a real example, just whatever comes to your mind first)
> It would be great if, in addition to listing the remaining changes in
> the last changelog entry, you could also list for each change:
> - the URL of the corresponding Ubuntu bug (if any)
> - the URL of the corresponding upstream bug (if any)
> - the URL of the corresponding Debian bug (if any)
> - a summary of the changes (pointing to URLs explaining the context of
> the change, if possible/needed)
> - whether the change is Ubuntu-specific, or should be merged upstream
> or in Debian (with a rationale if it's Ubuntu-specific)
We already work like this, we use to use (LP: #XXXX) which means Launchpad
Bug report #XXXX as DD's use (Closes: #XXXX), so there is no much more to do
for LP Bugs (Ubuntu ones). For the upstream and debian bugs we link them on
the LP Bug report, so if the DD is interested on following links he can from
them, with this i'm not saying is the best to do and rejecting your
suggestions, just noticing it if you didn't know it, maybe is not as good as
it could and we can do it better, so if you have anything to add please do
> There's a wiki page on
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PatchTaggingGuidelines about
> basically the same thing (it documents the changes in the patches, which
> is not suitable if the changes are made directly in the source, without
> using a patch system), but that policy doesn't seem to be in widespread
> use, unfortunately.
I didn't knew about that page and i'm sure a lot of people doesn't know
also, are you interested on helping me dive into wiki pages to write a
complete document with all of them and then try to spread the word about
it/them? Did someone want to help?
> Thank you,
> --
> | Lucas Nussbaum
> | lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
> | jabber: lucas at nussbaum.fr GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |
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> --
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