Ubuntu certification tool
euisuk.kang at samsung.com
Mon Jun 16 03:14:56 BST 2008
Hi, I,m Euisuk Kang working at Samsung Electronics.
I try to install Ubuntu in my NotePC. I have some questions.
Is there any certification tool such as Redhat-Ready(Redhat) or hcl(MS windows)?
I want to confirm to setup rightly. Can I get the certification tool?
Is the tool free or not? If it is not a free, how much is the tool?
Please response my questions as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Euisuk, Kang
Computer Systems Division
Digital Media Business
Mobile : 011-9702-2514
TEL : 031-277-5092
E-Mail : euisuk.kang at samsung.com
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