Installation report: Ubuntu desktop 20080723 amd64

Stéphane Graber stgraber at
Wed Jul 23 14:39:00 BST 2008

On Wed, 2008-07-23 at 14:27 +0100, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> MD5: 698b51c0076b6113e21e0bd0a8ea061d
> I've been running 32-bit Ubuntu Desktop on my ThinkPad T61, and decided to
> take advantage of the pre-Alpha-3 test candidates to upgrade it to 64-bit.
> I decided the most expedient way to do this would be to reinstall over it,
> preserving /home.  I took a backup of /etc, /var and /home before
> proceeding.
> The installation experience was pretty hairy.  I encountered a lot of
> problems, and have ended up with a fairly messy system.  I don't recommend
> trying it.
> Notes and issues:
>  * I didn't see usplash during boot (no bug filed)

That'd be :

At least that's the one I used for my own testing results.

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