SSLv2 - do we really need it?

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at
Mon Jul 21 07:45:22 BST 2008

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 06:58:41AM +0200, Ante Karamatic wrote:

> I've been working on:


> Two of our SSL libraries have SSLv2 disabled (or non-existing) by
> default - GnuTLS and NSS. Since SSLv2 is archaic and shouldn't be used
> at all, the easiest way to remove SSLv2 from Ubuntu is to disable it in
> OpenSSL too. And I think everybody would prefer that over changing
> configuration for each package. I realize that this might be a huge
> change and maybe should be done in Debian, but the impact should be
> minimal (if any).

> Are there any packages/programs that anyone is aware of that still
> don't use SSLv3 or TLS, but only SSLv2 (it's been a decade since SSLv3
> was released)?

There is a bug in the Debian BTS about OpenLDAP+gnutls failing to connect to
an IBM LDAP product, presumed to be because gnutls doesn't support SSLv2:

Given that the OpenLDAP packages are already /not/ using OpenSSL this
doesn't apply directly, but there might be other examples of such things in
the wild that users need to be able to maintain compatibility with.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                          
slangasek at                                     vorlon at

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