nVidia drivers for Intrepid available

( ``-_-´´ ) -- Fernando ubuntu at bugabundo.net
Thu Jul 17 10:49:59 BST 2008

Olá Alberto e a todos.

On Tuesday 15 July 2008 23:59:43 Alberto Milone wrote:
> How to test it on Hardy (it should work on a livecd too):

i'm testing on intrepid

> 1) install any flavour of the nvidia driver (with the old name scheme,
> e.g. nvidia-glx)

I have a 8400m so i tried nvidia-glx-173

> 2) add my PPA to your software sources:
> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lrm-intrepid/ubuntu intrepid main


> 3) install only nvidia-common (revision ubuntu12 or higher) and let it
> install its dependencies (i.e. the modalias packages). Then disable the
> PPA. Do not install any other package. You should see a debconf screen.
> The same will happen if you reinstall the kernel headers or image.

it pooled all the alias modules.

> Alberto Milone

but I got thiss:

E: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-173_173.14.09-0ubuntu6_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib32/libGL.so.1', which is also in package ia32-libs

BUGabundo  :o)
(``-_-´´)	http://Ubuntu.BUGabundo.net
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ps. My emails tend to sound authority and aggressive. I'm sorry in advance. I'll try to be more assertive as time goes by...
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