Accepted: sugar-read-activity 43-0ubuntu1 (source)

Jani Monoses jani at
Tue Feb 19 17:44:41 GMT 2008

Stefan Potyra wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Dienstag, 19. Februar 2008 15:46 schrieb Jani Monoses:
> [..]
>> Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 21:40:35 +0200
> [..]
>>    * Initial upload to Ubuntu
> this is just a reminder, that we've entered FeatureFreeze by Feb 14th. Please 
> file FeatureFreeze exceptions [1], if you plan to upload new packages after 
> that date.
> Thanks,
>       Stefan.

Thanks for the reminder Stefan. Can Feature Freeze exceptions be granted 
to a set of packages? Sugar is not a feature of any of the desktop CDs, 
it is only in Universe. Since it is not in Debian or previous Ubuntu 
versions either it Cannot Hurt Much (TM).

Granted, it takes up the archive admin team's time so that is a valid 
reason for not doing it.

I have just read the page you pointed to and the one that links to 
related to new packages.

Is there a list or IRC channel where I can ask for exception to all 
things Sugar and explain the reasoing behind it, instead of filing bugs 
for each package in LP (not to avoid the rules, but the process takes 
much time as it is :)


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