feisty still in the archive?

Justin Dugger jldugger at ubuntu.com
Sat Dec 13 19:09:41 GMT 2008

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic at dantian.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-12-07 at 15:57 -0800, Scott Ritchie wrote:
>> Perhaps we should at least keep updates to the update-manager package
>> so people can upgrade out of the mess they're in...
> What _should_ happen, however, is IMHO that
>      * Update Manager should alert the user that the system is about to
>        go EOL. Currently, unless you are subscribed to ubuntu-announce,
>        this happens silently. Non-expert users will never know. [1]

Indeed, this exact problem came to me this week in the form of a
confused grad student maintaining a server for the bioinformatics
department.  I tried to warn him that an upgrade was going to be
necessary, but someone on the list mentioned old-releases and there is
now one more server pulling packages from there instead of upgrading
to an LTS.

This sort of thing happens a LOT. In the past year the campus LUG has
also seen a guy requesting help installing software on a Fedora 1 box.
 This seems like a place where non-professionals will have a "I used
to use linux, until one day" experience.

Justin Dugger

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