ArchiveReorganisation and sponsoring

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Sun Aug 31 19:30:11 BST 2008

On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 01:41:53AM +0900, Emmet Hikory wrote:
>     There is also currently a bug about awkward workflows for
> sponsoring in Launchpad (3), and it may be that as mentioned there,
> the proposed solution is to encourage revision modifications using the
> branch merge request review workflow, towards eventual implementation
> of NoMoreSourcePackages (4).  While this may well be suitable for
> packages belonging to a specific maintenance team, who may have
> branches for those source packages with which they work already
> available, some outstanding bzr bugs (5) make this painful for
> universe, where the sponsor may have never seen the package
> previously, and may never intend to look at it again.

This is where I think we should be headed.  I realize there are some issues
with it at present, but as we start to use Bazaar more, we'll be in a better
position to put more effort into resolving them.

With update-manager, on a fast connection, a lightweight checkout takes
about 10 seconds vs. apt-get source at about 4 seconds.  That's not bad at
all, and Bazaar hints that it might be even faster once the branch format is
upgraded to the latest.

 - mdz

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