Ubuntu Policy Manual

Morten Kjeldgaard mortenkjeldgaard at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 17:48:35 BST 2008

On 24/08/2008, at 16.19, Colin Watson wrote:

> As per the attached mail, I've uploaded a version of the Debian Policy
> Manual customised for Ubuntu. You can see the text here as well as in
> the package:
>  http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/

While it without a doubt is useful to have a Ubuntu Policy Manual, I  
think that editing the DPM in a "s/Debian/Ubuntu/g" kind of way and  
then editing certain sections even further is not all that valuable.

Rather, I think it would be better to maintain a document with the  
changes and updates to the DPM sections. That way, it would be easier  
to see what exactly the differences are between the Debian/Ubuntu  
policies, and furthermore, it would be easier to maintain when the  
Debian manual gets revised.

It would also make life easier for people who maintain packages in  
both Debian and Ubuntu.

Morten (aka mok0)

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