Server Team 20080826 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
mathiaz at
Thu Aug 28 22:32:58 BST 2008
Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:
==== Ubuntu VM builder ====
soren is preparing a new upload of his python rewrite of ubuntu-vm-builder.
nijaba offered to write a short tutorial about ubuntu-vm-builder once it's
available in the archive. sommer mentionned that the virtualization section of
the server guide should also be updated.
ACTION: nijaba to write a tutorial about the new ubuntu-vm-builder.
ACTION: sommer to update the virtualization section of the server guide with
references to the new ubuntu-vm-builder.
==== Review ServerGuide for Intrepid ====
sommer updated the openldap section to cover cn=config. Sections that have
been updated are marked with "Ready for Review" on the wiki page[1]. sommer
also mentioned that is up-to-date. He added that reading
through all the sections and update any path names, package names, etc that
may have changed with intrepid would be helpful.
ACTION: jjesse to update the apache section of the server guide.
==== Tomcat6 server stack support ====
Koon announced that tomcat 6.0.18 had been uploaded to fix a few security
issues that were disclosed a few weeks ago. He is waiting for feedback. He has
written all relevant MIRs to get tomcat6 moved to main and then have a task
added to tasksel.
mathiaz asked about dependencies pulled in by tomcat6. Koon has been working
on reducing them and filed bugs for most of them. He is asking for sponsoring.
Some of them may be controversial and he'd like to ask doko about it.
ACTION: Koon to write a post about tomcat6 for ubuntuserver blog.
ACTION: mathiaz to sponsor Koon patches for non-controversial packages.
==== UFW Package Integration ====
jdstrand reported that the ufw portion was basically done. The Roadmap[2] has
been updated with a list of packages to be integrated with ufw. Help in that
area is welcomed.
==== Rails and Rubygems ====
macd said that the passenger package on REVU was in good shape. He also
started a discussion about the rubygems changes. If the passenger changes are
made and the rubygems changes that were spoken of are made rails will be in
good shape for intrepid.
==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 2nd at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-
Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer
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