Ubuntu Policy Manual

Ozgur Karatas okaratas at member.fsf.org
Tue Aug 26 14:39:56 BST 2008

This is perfect to Lars comment. It's commented on very beautifull..


> On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 13:53:26 +0300 Lars Wirzenius <lars at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>It would be handy to have the original DPM as a package, too, for those
>of us who create packages also for Debian, and sometimes work offline.
>Thus, I would have debian-policy as the original, and ubuntu-policy as
>the fork.
>It's not a big issue for me, though.

>>su, 2008-08-24 kello 15:19 +0100, Colin Watson kirjoitti:
>> I also just realised that at UDS people thought this should be called
>> ubuntu-policy and the pristine debian-policy should be retained in the
>> archive for reference. Oops. Is this important to try to revert somehow?
>> We could just refer people to the original by URL.

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