Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Fri Aug 15 20:01:00 BST 2008

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Danny Piccirillo wrote on 14/08/08 00:18:
>> "
>> This would just give Ubuntu more edge and make it even more
>> intuitive. Although for people used to the old style
>> scrollbar it may be confusing at first glance, it would
>> quickly become another reason to get hooked on Ubuntu :)"
> How do you know? Have you tested it? If so, on how many people?

It would be an interesting thing to test.  I wonder how difficult it
would be to modify a few apps to use that method, so that we can try
it out and get our friends/family to try it out as well.

Mackenzie Morgan
Linux User #432169
ACM Member #3445683 <-my blog of Ubuntu stuff
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