Most popular packages in universe (Re: Installing recommends and the CD size)

Caroline Ford at
Fri Aug 15 20:00:57 BST 2008

2008/8/15 Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at>:
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 09:39:18AM +0100, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
>> 4. sox
>>       Surprising.  Perhaps a dependency of something not on this list, or a
>>       common dependency of multiple applications.
> <snip>
>> 6. Audacity
>>       Surprising (to me) as it's a specialized application...
> Perhaps these are an indication of UbuntuStudio's popularity?

It's useful for general audio editing - trimming audio you've ripped
from a stream, or from another device. You don't need to be 'hardcore'
enough to be running Ubuntu studio.


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