Most popular packages in universe (Re: Installing recommends and the CD size)

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Aug 15 09:39:18 BST 2008

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 02:50:19PM +0200, Michael Vogt wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 10:25:45AM +0100, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > A list of "the most popular non-main packages" would be interesting to look
> > at.
> > 
> > Oddly enough, is not that.  A
> > quick glance shows that it contains lots of packages which are actually in
> > main.
> [..]
> I'm investigating this and it should be fixed by tomorrow (the extact
> time will depend on how long it takes to reprocessing the data).

It looks like it's updated now.  The list is (unsurprisingly) skewed in
favour of packages which were previously part of the default installation
but are now in universe, but allowing for that and other fudge factors I
interpret the "top ten" as:

1. DVD playback components


3. OpenJDK

	Already in main in Intrepid

4. sox

	Surprising.  Perhaps a dependency of something not on this list, or a
	common dependency of multiple applications.

5. compizconfig-settings-manager

	Not surprising, given how many web pages recommend it.  People
	desperately want to tweak these knobs.  Should we consider adding it to
	the default installation (perhaps as an "Advanced..." button rather than
	a completely separate menu item)?  It's surprisingly large (about 4M

6. Audacity

	Surprising (to me) as it's a specialized application...

7. cabextract

	Presumably via msttcorefonts in multiverse

8. firefox-2

	At first, I thought this was an indication that people were installing
	the old version, but then I noticed that I still had it installed
	myself.  Perhaps it should be removed during upgrades?

9. ClamAV

	It would be interesting to know whether these are desktops or servers.

10. Totem (Xine backend)

	Probably for DVD menus; totem-gstreamer seems to play everything else.

 - mdz

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