Regarding library names in Ubuntu

Max Bowsher maxb at
Tue Aug 5 09:22:26 BST 2008

Alexander Sack wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 06:04:30PM +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
>> "Ruchi Lohani" <rlohani at> writes:
>>> Does this mean that I cant use the same binary on other Linux which were built
>>> on ubuntu?
>> yes.
>>> Why is Ubuntu using non-standard names for libraries?
>> In general ubuntu is not using non-standard SONAMES but sticks to
>> upstream's.  For this particular library, I assume that it has been
>> compiled with special flags making it incompatible with other distros.
>> you could check with the maintainer (check the changelog to find out who
>> touched the package last) for more information.
> This was introduced through debian and synched to ubuntu at some
> point. Since then I didnt reconsider it, as my focus was mostly on
> mozilla and gtkmozembed applications which when using the standalone
> glue dont reference these libs at all.
> However, this also came up during the mozilla summit and unless nss
> adapts "our" approach, ubuntu will do debian-independent packaging for
> nss and nspr in the future as well.

Out of interest, is it explained anywhere my Debian made this decision?

I tried Google and changelog research, but couldn't find an answer to that.


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