FET - timetabling software

livubuntu at lalescu.ro livubuntu at lalescu.ro
Wed Sep 5 20:35:30 BST 2007

Dear All,

I am Liviu Lalescu, the author of FET - free timetabling software. I  
saw that the latest Ubuntu distribution (gutsy) has a very old version  
of FET. I would like you to upgrade FET to latest version, 5.2.16,  
which can be found on FET web page, at  
http://www.lalescu.ro/liviu/fet/  . This current FET version needs Qt  
 >= 4.3.0 (not 4.2.x, it has bugs). The current FET is much better  
than older versions, it uses a different algorithm and has lots of bug  
fixes and new features. Also, could you make this update also in  
Kubuntu? I am not sure of what should I do, excuse me please if I  
wrote to the wrong place.

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