Package upload notification subject change

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at
Wed Oct 24 14:32:19 BST 2007

Note: I sent this yesterday but an email problem prevented it from 
arriving on the list.

Package upload notification subject change

With the release of Launchpad 1.1.10 (October 24th), the subject line
of package upload notification emails will change.

There are two benefits to this:

1. A bug that incorrectly gave the "accepted" subject line to emails
    about "unapproved" uploads will be fixed. The subject lines
    will now accurately reflect the status of the upload.

2. The subject line will have a consistent format across the different

The new subject lines are:

New: <packagename> <version> ([source|binary])
Approved: <packagename> <version> ([source|binary])
Waiting for approval: <packagename> <version> ([source|binary])

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please reply to
this email.


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