xorg-server 1.4 uploaded

Timo Aaltonen tjaalton at cc.hut.fi
Wed Oct 24 11:40:44 BST 2007


   I've uploaded xorg-server_1.4-3ubuntu1 for hardy. It is built against 
hal, and together with the current hal (0.5.10) means that input-hotplug 
-support is turned on. There are two known issues though:

- "us" layout is the default, and in order to change that a hal fdi file 
to override the default (an example: http://pastebin.com/m2b1853de) needs 
to be put it in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/. This will be fixed one way or 
another, and the right way to implement that is discussed in Debian bug 

We'll discuss this at FOSSCamp/UDS.

- GNOME/KDE needs to use evdev keyboard model for now. Otherwise the 
driver gets confused and key mappings broken (as mentioned in the bug)

Fortunately, the server won't be upgraded until all the drivers are built 
against the new server, so normal dist-upgrades should leave xserver out.

In any case, these are the workarounds:

for the user:
- remove xserver-xorg-input-evdev
- remove /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-x11-input.fdi

- rebuild xorg-server without libhal-dev (would make testing harder)
- remove the fdi-file from hal (would still allow testing, although
   x11-input.fdi would need to be copied from elsewhere)


another notes about the new xserver:

X-SWAT has decided that patch nr. 120 ("disable offscreen pixmaps" from 
Fedora) got disabled for now (and possibly is dropped in the future), 
because it is known to break certain setups (sorry, no bugs handy atm).

What it means is that compiz performance with XAA is abysmal. Use 'Option 
"XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"' or test 'Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"' which 
should be pretty good by now.

on behalf of the Ubuntu X-SWAT team,


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