How to get a bug milestoned for a release?

Bryce Harrington bryce at
Mon Oct 15 18:47:04 BST 2007

On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 02:51:18PM +0100, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 08:34:14PM +0200, Wouter Stomp wrote:
> > I was wondering what it takes to get a bug milestoned for an ubuntu
> > release. I filed a bug that is a serious regression from feisty making
> > ubuntu completely unusable on some ATI graphics cards. I thought this
> > was serious enough to be important to be fixed before final release.
> > 
> > It is probably too late now to get fixed, but I was wondering if I
> > should have done anything different or if this bug just isn't grave
> > enough to be fixed before release?
> This does sound like a serious bug, though unfortunately the problem isn't
> clear yet.  The relevant developers are already aware of this bug, but do
> not yet know what is causing it.  We can't reasonably discuss what to do
> about this bug until we have a possible course of action.
> It sounds like you did the right things, except that the people involved
> don't have enough information to take a decision about it at present.  You
> should have received a response from the release team to that effect.

Hi Wouter,

The bug has been reported upstream to fdo #12571, and to help accelerate
getting a fix for it, I'd encourage you to post whatever additional
details might be relevant to that report.

Over the past month upstream has been extraordinarily responsive at
rolling out fixes for us, and we've not made use of the milestoning
process for -ati bugs, as we have for -intel.  Our process with the -ati
driver has been to simply follow upstream closely, reviewing and rolling
out bug fixes as they produce them.  Unfortunately, a few bugs - such as
yours - still remain unfixed upstream, so have not been fixed in Gutsy.

We've not pushed more changes to -ati this past week or so, partly
because there's been so much change we didn't want to chance
destablizing the progress we've made, but also because we expect
upstream will be producing further fixes after Gutsy's release that
we'll want for Gutsy users.  So since we already know we'll be needing
to do some post-Gutsy work for -ati, we feel it'd be best to hold off on
quick fixes, and wait for a very stable, well-tested update in the
future.  Possibly this will be an SRU of either 6.8.0 or cherrypicked
fixes from 6.8.0, but we'll have to see as things develop.

Anyway, I've just now reminded Alex about this bug, and shared your
findings.  When I talked to him in Cambridge it sounded like he already
knew of the bug but didn't know of a fix.  Hopefully he'll have more
time to look into it and include a fix for it in 6.8.0 for us to pull
into Gutsy.  Please keep your eye on fdo #12571.


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