Launchpad bug statuses

Christian Robottom Reis kiko at
Wed Oct 3 16:32:37 BST 2007

On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 06:31:08AM +0900, Emmet Hikory wrote:
> > It might, but then you get into the problem of distinguishing whether
> > there is a patch out there in the wide world or in your official RCS
> > repository (or a package in a random repository versus -proposed).
>     The location and origin of the fix shouldn't matter, as long as
> the correct solution is clearly available from the bug (attached or
> linked), and represents a debdiff against the current package, a

Fix Committed is intended to tie in with an RCS commit at some point
down the line, so keep that in mind when considering what it is useful
for. We can already do it for upstreams, but for distribution packages
it is more difficult as there isn't really a standard way to
revision-control packages yet (it's a hard problem to solve).

I guess for now you're right -- if we are noting that a fix is somewhere
available, Fix Available would be more correct -- but I'd rather not
rename the status unless we've given up on RCS for packages (which we

> > On Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 04:50:20PM -0400, Forest Bond wrote:
> > > Isn't the correct way to handle this to add the upstream project to launchpad
> > > and set the bug so that it also affects upstream?  Then you can be explicit
> > > about the bug's status upstream.
> >
> > Well, the issue is that Sebastian would like to be able to look at
> > Ubuntu bugs and see which ones have been fixed upstream and which ones
> > haven't. But I argue there is already a report that tells him that, in
> > the advanced page of the bug search.
>     Yes, but it's handy to see by default when looking at the buglist
> for a package: it quickly identifies low hanging fruit that should be
> included when preparing an upload (even if the developer was focused
> on another issue with the package at the time of upload).  This is
> also an argument against using a tag to identify this status.

Well, we could display something special in the row if at least one
other bugtask is fix committed or fix released. That could help solve
that part of the problem. I'm trying to find out if there's a bug
reported for this, but I'll make sure there is if not.
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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