Launchpad bug statuses

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Oct 2 20:14:34 BST 2007

Le mardi 02 octobre 2007 à 15:04 -0300, Christian Robottom Reis a
écrit :
> I've written a piece at
> that describes the intended semantics and existing behaviour for
> Launchpad bugs. I'd love to hear your questions and comments about cases
> which we don't handle well so we can better improve the way the tool
> works.

* "New (a.k.a. Nobody Has Looked At Me Yet)"

Bugs are sometime moved from Incomplete to New when the submitter has
provided the required details but the submitter doesn't confirm the

* "Incomplete (Reporter, Give Us More Information!)"

The description doesn't mention the case where bugs are sent back to
New. What should a triager do when the submitter replied but he still
doesn't know if the bug should be confirmed? Shouldn't launchpad also
automatically reopen Incomplete bugs when the submitter replies if those
are going to be autoclosed?

* "Fix Committed (Please Test My Fix)"

The status is used by the some teams to mark bugs which have been fixed
upstream since it makes easier to review bugs that have a patch to
backport or should be closed when the next version is uploaded


Sebastien Bacher

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