Using the "patch" tag for bugs

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Wed Nov 28 09:38:55 GMT 2007

On Mi, 2007-11-28 at 18:00 +0900, Emmet Hikory wrote:
>     I'm not opposed to using a team to track these, rather than a tag,
> but believe the focus should be on getting the patches to those with
> the technical skill to apply them and test them, rather than looking
> at direct upload.  Further, I do not believe that the sponsors queues
> are the best place for anything that is not a candidate for immediate
> upload: these queues are a tool by which people who do not have upload
> rights may request upload, and not a mechanism to collect all
> submitted patches.

Right now the Sponsoring Queue solves the problem of getting patches
reviewed (and getting them in shape) for packages that have no dedicated
maintainer by subscribing knowledgeable people to them. It's part of
what I do every day.

Maybe we could improve the process, but what I described above should be
a key feature of it.

Have a nice day,

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