Handling of -source packages for kernel modules

Cesare Tirabassi norsetto at ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 15 18:26:59 GMT 2007

On Thursday 15 November 2007 18:03:45 Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

> | > Should we blacklist those so we don't get them from Debian?
> |
> | No. What for? Are we short of archive space? They give the users a
> | freedom of choice which could be dangerous for their mental health?
> I have seen users who have been confused by the existence of those
> packages.

Then I think we should ask ourselves why they are confused by these packages 
and if it is possible to educate them.

I'm sorry, but I really don't think that we should always go for the lesser 


PS. If we do go for the lesser denominator than please remove as well terminal 
emulators from the base installation, I have seen many users who have been 
confused by their existance.

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